Has the human species passed the ecological 'critical moment',
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Uggs Sale Clearance?The global heat-up is happening right now. Pay no mind to the disinformed drones who're adamant that this is nothing to worry about. It is they who're at fault. The vast majority of environmental professionals are now sure beyond reasonable doubt that the unceasingly rising planet wide temperatures we're witnessing are due to the human race's unstoppable craving for carbon based product.We have broadening evidence supporting the fact that the growing global population along with a general rise in living standards is putting the Earth's core processes under a great burden. Some people believe we are at the flash point at this very moment.There are others who would go farther and propose that the point of no return has been and gone. We are on the cusp of a period in the History of this orb which Al Gore tells of in his necessary documentary, "An Inconvenient Truth", as "a period of consequences".In other words time is not on our side. If so then we face an uncertain future. The earth's weather based eco systems are literally melting before our eyes with great areas of ice sheet falling into an ever warmer ocean.Here's the overbearing problem. Where previously there was to be found ice,
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Best Price On Ugg Boots. Now the ice sheet is being replaced by water, a large amount of the energy from the sun is being dissipated and the oceans are warming up at a disturbing rate.The heating of our waters melts the ice more readily and the effect becomes compounded. This is an exponential curve and it's why the brains behind the hi-tech computer predictions are trying to warn all citizens of this Earth of awful repercussions,
Cheap Ugg Boots Online.Some predictions tell us that colossal areas of the Earth's surface will turn to desert. We're seeing the onset of this problem right now,
Grey Classic Short Ugg Boots. This is not theory, it's happening. It's expected that there may well be many hundreds of millions of humans displaced due to the spread of the desert and conversely, flooding in different zones.We're talking of the transit of humans on a scale never observed to date. The problems this is likely to cause around the globe are unthinkable. Our warnings are built on substantiation from many authorities and humans would be right to take on board the very real fact that we are the issue.Unless we decide to change the way we think this obscene gluttony will quite possibly annihilate the human race as we presently know it.The Earth will continue on no matter what we do, don't worry about that, but will we be around to see it? Let's hope so and we can make a start by choosing 'green' web solutions (see the author credits below).Unfortunately this time we cannot simply "Get out of the kitchen"! Related articles: