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来源:湖北中医药大学成教 发布时间:2012-12-08 查看:0次
With more traditional fishing methods, in order to have a successful day out on the water,UGG Boots Pink, you needed a strong intuition and a load of luck to land on the right spot.Nowadays, technological advancements in marine equipment from manufacturers like Simrad Marine, Furuno, and Garmin have enabled fishermen to get a better grasp of what is going on underwater.Instead of a trial and error method, fishermen can now track and navigate precisely to areas where there are a lot of fish with sophisticated GPS and radars.Marine biologists and researchers can also benefit from this.Among the greatest benefactors of these technologies are large-scale commercial fishing operators as it is a far more efficient fishing method that saves them time and resources.Instead of cruising around and stopping at multiple locations to find the perfect spot, they can get straight to the point and navigate right to where all the fish are at.Moreover,UGG Boots Official, apart from just tracking,UGG Boots Genuine, new Simrad marine technologies can even identify what kind of fish are there.New marine equipment such as mutlibeam echo sounders and sonars, multiple echo sounder frequencies, advanced sonars and catch monitoring instruments make improved stock assessment, species discrimination, and species identification possible.Relevant scientific output and data analysis of fish schools are delivered by Simrad Marine's fish finding sonars including distribution, volume, shape and behavior.In addition to that, in order to compare and validate echo sounder and trawl data, catch monitoring systems are required to provide information about trawl position relative to the research vessel,UGG Boots Usa, trawl depth and speed, door spread, trawl catch, bottom contact etc.The scientific applications that Simrad marine fishery systems allow for include multi-frequency operation for discrimination between fish species, GPS Fish positioning system, Hugin AUV, portable system for lakes,UGG Boots 5815, portable system for rivers, and the Ocean Hub project (acoustic fence).The equipment and processes can be quite sophisticated and in light of this, some top manufacturers conduct training programs that give users a more in-depth knowledge of how to operate the gear,UGG Boots UGGs Outlet Store.Such brands are Simrad Marine, Furuno, and Garmin. Related articles:
