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来源:湖北中医药大学成教 发布时间:2012-12-10 查看:0次
Wind energy has been converted for a long time, most famously by the Netherlands with the use of their windmills that helped operate farm equipment, not in the current notion of energy,Uggs Boots Sale, but in the pre-modern sense. Energy doesnt necessarily have to come in the form of electricity to be important, but the Energy Ball v100 converts the wind power into 120 volts of current that any homeowner, even renter, can use in their normal activities.The Energy Ball v100 is built in the Netherlands and they have been perfecting the art of harnessing wind energy and this unit will begin producing energy even in light winds, as little as four-and-a-half miles per hour, which is a minor breeze. When you are looking for ways to save on your utility bill at home, or in the office, on a daily basis, then you would benefit from the Energy Ball v100.Saving the environment has become a mantra for many people either looking to help save the environment or simply save money and while turning off lights and other electrical devices when not being used is certainly a great start,Uggs Earmuffs, eliminating our reliance on traditional forms of energy suppliers is the best way to save money.The Energy Ball v100 is a compact machine that can be put wherever you want it and is attractive enough that it doesnt look like an obstruction to any view,Cardy Ugg Socks & Short Boots. Artistic in design and silent running, this unit actually does look like a sculpture and when it collects the power of the wind, will help power just about anything you may have in your home or office.It would be wonderful to run your refrigerator and other devices strictly on wind power. The savings opportunities just from this will add up fast over time. If you could cut a buck from your bill every day from this amazing device, at the end of a year that would means an annual savings of $365. The potential savings, though, can be much greater,Discount Kids Uggs, but will depend largely on how much wind that is produced in your region. Living in a place that sees mostly calm days with the occasional breeze kicking up,Navy Blue Uggs, then you might find only limited benefit, but its not often that these locations actually exist. We tend not to think about the wind around us unless it is quite powerful, perhaps fifteen to twenty miles per hour,Uggs For Women. If you take a moment in the next few days to observe and be aware of the air movement in your location, youll find that it blows regularly.The Energy Ball v100 uses that untapped power and brings it right into your household in the form of electricity you can use. Related articles:
