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来源:湖北中医药大学成教 发布时间:2012-12-15 查看:0次
In all the conversation we hear these days about cholesterol, LDL, HDL, VLDL, triglycerides, etc. etc, it can be difficult to understand which kind of cholesterol is "good" and which is "bad.".The goal of this article is to enlighten you as to what LDL cholesterol is - the type that's also known as "bad" cholesterol - and why it can be hazardous to heart health.First, it's probably a good idea to do a quick refresher on precisely what cholesterol is and its role in metabolism.Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that travels through your body in your bloodstream. The body manufactures a certain amount of it, predominantly in the liver. We get more from the food we eat. But because cholesterol is incapable of traveling through the bloodstream alone, it must attach itself to a protein. Medical professionals call this combination a "lipoprotein."LDL stands for "low density lipoprotein." Think of it as "low down and lousy," because it's the "bad" cholesterol that people talk about. LDL sticks to the walls of your blood vessels,Red UGG Boots Classic Short, building up plaque which causes an obstruction, or "hardening of the arteries." A lot of LDL in your bloodstream can lead to a heart attack if it builds up in the coronary arteries, or a stroke if it builds up in cerebral arteries,Black UGG Like Boots.There's another type of lipoprotein that's exactly the opposite,Uggs At Bloomingdales. It's the "good" cholesterol you hear people talking about. This type is known as HDL or "high density lipoprotein." HDL is considered to be "good" cholesterol because it latches onto the low density lipoprotein and carries it through the bloodstream to the liver. From there, it's transported out of the body.A lot of the LDL cholesterol in our diet comes from fats from animals in the foods we eat: especially two kinds of fats. These are called saturated fats and trans fats. You find these unhealthy fats in meat (especially the red variety), certain oils (like those used for french fries in fast food restaurants), prepackaged and processed foods, and baked goods like donuts, cake, muffins, etc.When you avoid these foods and focus on healthier choices like fruits, vegetables, and certain nuts and grains, you can reduce your LDL which lowers the possibility that you'll ever have heart disease.The simple letter sequences LDL and HDL can be confusing if you're not used to medical terminology, and it may be tough to remember which is and which is bad. It may help to keep in mind that LDL stands for low density, while HDL is high density, and in this case, low is bad and high is good. Or as our cardiologist acquaintance says, "Low has got to go..."By keeping low levels of LDL and high levels of HDL, you are improving your overall health, and also reducing your risk of heart attack and stroke. When you combine healthy eating with regular exercise, you greatly improve your overall well being and keep your cholesterol at healthy levels.When your doctor tests your cholesterol levels,Size Chart For Uggs, he or she may talk to you about your overall levels as well as HDL and LDL. Your overall level is not as important as the individual levels. Ideally, your LDL level should be 100 mg/dL (milligrams per deciliter) or lower, and your HDL level should be 60 mg/dL or higher. The lower your ratio of LDL over HDL, the happier your doctor (and your heart) will be,UGG Boots Classic Black.Many people often don't start getting their cholesterol checked regularly until they approach middle age. But medical professionals now say everyone should start sooner - even in your teens or 20's,UGG Australia Boots. This is because so many young people today grow up eating calorie-rich, high fat diets. Meanwhile, they're getting less and less exercise. Doctors are seeing cholesterol levels rise in younger people much sooner than they should, and this is a cause for concern. Related articles:
