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来源:湖北中医药大学成教 发布时间:2012-12-16 查看:0次
A growing number of researchers claim specific foods and food additives can be the blame for the escalating ADHD complaints. Here is a general evaluation associated with the basic research and studies to do with food additives and Attention Deficit Disorder. There are eight risk elements typically linked with Attention Deficit Disorder and ADHD,NFL Toddler Jersey. 75 percent are directly linked to diet;Food and additive sensitivity Mineral imbalances Low-protein/high-carbohydrate diet habits Fatty Acid insufficiencies Amino acid insufficiencies B-vitamin insufficiencies Heavy metal poisoning Thyroid imbalance Benjamin Feingold, M.D,Cheap Womens NFL Jerseys. initially introduced the concept of food preservatives creating behavior problems almost four decades ago. He established the concept on the experience of 1,200 people whose behavior symptoms were linked to food additives and preservatives. Feingold believed that 40-50 percent of hyperactive kids react to a sensitivity to man-made food colors, flavors, and preservativesA slew of studies followed. Quite a few supported Dr. Feingold's beliefs. Other studies did not. This left the medical related community generally separated. A 2007 study from England confirmed Feingold's earlier conclusions. Scientists at the University of Southampton researched 300 kids over a six-week period by providing the children with beverages that contained synthetic food coloring,Cheap NFL Replica Jerseys. The beverages were the same to those available at stores. Based on teacher and parent assessments, researchers established that the children who drank the mixtures with chemicals were significantly more hyperactive and had shorter attention spans. Artificial coloring and additives are just one area of focus when it comes to food and its association to ADHD issues. Other studies show that increasing selected ingredients and nutrients to the diet have the ability to improve the symptoms associated with ADD and hyperactivity. A George Washington University School of Medicine study established that hyperactive children who ate high protein meals did similarly well, and in some cases better, in school than non-hyperactive kids. An Oxford University study looked at fatty acid supplements and ADHD. The hyperactivity in children receiving essential fatty acid (EFA) supplements noticeably improved although the kids in the placebo group did not receive the same enhancements. Attention Deficit Disorder was first connected to low essential fatty acid three decades ago. Further studies examining fatty acid blood levels in children with behavioral problems confirmed the fatty acid link. Later researchers yet again recorded the EFA deficiency tie to Attention Deficit Disorder. A 1995 study again examined the EFA connection by comparing levels in ADD and ADHD boys against a control group of boys without ADD or ADHD. Researchers found notably lower levels of Omega 3 essential fatty acids in the Attention Deficit Disorder group. A 1994 study (Purdue University) established that boys with low blood levels of Omega-3 fatty acid DHA have a greater frequency of hyperactivity and Attention Deficit Disorder. A 1996 study established that children diagnosed with ADHD are often deficient in the mineral zinc. A study in 1997 stated that of the the ADHD children analyzed, 95 percent were magnesium deficient. In the newest study involving the effects of diet and ADD and ADHD,NFL Jerseys Online, researchers examined the success of diet elimination. Researchers of this 2009 study established that a strict elimination diet produced a 50-70% reduction in symptoms following 9 weeks on the diet.Providing meals to promote brain power and elliminating junk food from the diet is actually the kindest and most healthful method to treat Attention Deficit Disorder,Custom Womens NFL Jerseys. By reforming your child's diet ,NFL Throwback Jersey? by either cutting out offending foods and/or increasing essential fatty acids, minerals and other brain-boosting nutrients ? you allow the groundwork for solid nutrition and may well refrain from using stimulant drugs. Related articles:
