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来源:湖北中医药大学成教 发布时间:2012-12-14 查看:0次
The Need For OilBecause the major function of lecithin is to aid in burning fats, the nutrients required for lecithin production-linoleic or arachidonic acid, vitamin Be,Cheap Classic Cardy UGG Boots, cholin, inositol,UGG Pink Slippers, and magnesium are essential for reducing. Oil, for example, added to a diet lacking linoleic acid,UGG Classic Cardy Oatmeal, tremendously increases energy production. Too little linoleic acid can also damage the adrenals, which then allow the blood sugar to fall and make reducing extremely difficult,UGG Rylan Slippers.Overweight persons maintained alternately on 800-calorie diets supplying mostly oil or carbohydrate lost far more on the diet containing oil and spontaneously used an average of 400 extra calories daily. Hospital patients given different diets having the same number of calories also lost the most weight while receiving one containing oil, found it easiest to adhere to, and did not regain their lost weight as long as the oil was continued. Persons reducing without oil regained their weight most rapidly,Buy UGG Shoes, whereas individuals whose diets contained oil continued to lose. In one investigation, overweight patients were merely asked to use oils instead of other fats and to limit their intake of starches and sugars; of their own choice they ate an average of 600 calories less than usual per day and all lost weight. When food has been marked with radioactive carbon and given in several diets containing the same number of calories, the least fat was stored on the diet containing oil but little carbohydrate. Patients who lost nothing on a 500 calorie diet of carbohydrate did lose when allowed 2,600 calories daily supplied by protein and fat of which part was oil. Numerous other studies have produced similar results. Yet as important as oils are, only a small amount is needed daily.Preventing HungerOils decrease hunger by retarding the emptying time of the stomach and by stimulating the burning of saturated body fat to the extent that the blood sugar remains normal for long periods. Overweight persons develop low blood sugar faster than other individuals, but even though it is low, hunger disappears after proteins are eaten. Animals and humans on low-protein diets eat more, hence gain more, than when proteins are generously supplied.If too little food is eaten, a meal is missed, or the adrenals are exhausted, the blood sugar falls, causing symptoms every overweight person knows only too well: tension, irritability, headache, fatigue, hunger, and a craving for sweets. The understandable result is that one overeats at the next meal or possibly goes on a candy binge. Should sweets or excessive carbohydrate be eaten, sugar absorbs so rapidly that a healthy pancreas is over stimulated and produces too much insulin. This excessive insulin causes most of the sugar in the blood to be changed immediately into storage fat; the blood sugar again falls and intense hunger recurs.As this vicious circle repeats itself, the pancreas becomes increasingly trigger-happy-actually more efficient-until the overweight person develops low blood sugar much faster than individuals of normal weight given identical food. Whether one eats too little carbohydrate or too much, therefore, the invariable result is low blood sugar, hunger, overeating, and self-disgust,UGG Men Boots Sale. To lose weight successfully, tiny amounts of carbohydrate must be eaten frequently with fat and protein, neither of which can stimulate insulin production.Low blood sugar triggers the onset of stress, causing much potassium to be lost in the urine and sodium and pounds of water to be retained; hence persons frequently follow extremely low-calorie diets yet the scales do not budge. When doctors have given 2 to 5 grams of potassium chloride to replace the urinary loss of potassium, the blood sugar has quickly increased and the unpleasant symptoms of hypoglycemia have disappeared almost immediately. A drop in blood sugar cannot always be avoided, yet it can bring on a heart attack 53 and often makes it impossible to adhere to a reducing diet. Potassium chloride, sold as a salt substitute, might be used during reducing; and 1- gram tablets (15 grains each) of potassium chloride carried and one taken when it is impossible to reach appropriate food. Taking potassium also prevents blackouts from hypoglycemia and is certainly preferable to using drugs to reduce.Why Reducing Diets Have FailedThough a lack of almost any nutrient causes body processes to slow down and less fat to be burned, reducing diets have become progressively more inadequate and lower in calories. In sheer desperation, starvation has been tried, but physicians who have carefully studied patients during fasts have found fasting to be exceedingly harmful. Collectively tons have been lost by the aid of reducing drugs, which often cause liver damage. The American Medical Association has pointed out that these drugs can be addictive and extremely dangerous. Follow-up studies have shown that the lost pounds-with many additional ones-have usually been regained within a year, and often in a few months. During the temporary period when such persons weigh less, they have been found to produce only half the amount of energy of healthy individuals.Fasting, severe calorie restriction, and reducing with the aid of drugs are each such severe stress that the adrenals are left exhausted, a characteristic feature of which is continuous low blood sugar and its accompanying ravenous appetite and craving for sweets. Liver damage and multiple deficiencies, induced by both the inadequacies of such regimes and the copious amounts of coffee usually drunk to ward off fatigue, leave energy production at a low ebb. The combination of the two-craving food and no energy-makes it literally impossible to keep from gaining. Yet everyone would surely agree that successful reducing means maintaining one's normal weight, once it has been reached, without undue struggle.Much overeating may be an unconscious urge to obtain nutrients one's body needs, though most overweight persons eat far less than do their slender, energetic friends. To lose weight successfully, one must concentrate, as never before, on obtaining nutrients which increase energy production. Related articles:
