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UGG Boots Button 1751

来自:湖北中医药大学成教网   2012-12-15    浏览0次

Some people it seems are almost filled with dread at the prospect of retirement - of bringing an end to the well known and comfortable routine of each working day. But if that happens to be you, I hope that by the end of this brief guide, you will be positively jumping for joy at the prospect of giving up your mundane, predictable, day to day routine, and itching to grasp the wealth of opportunities which lie before you.In this article,Nordstroms UGG Boots, we will outline seven ways by which to gain contentment in retirement.1. PMA - Positive Mental Attitude. It has been said that 'attitude is everything' and it certainly holds true that if you are open to the prospect of new challenges and pastimes, you will thoroughly enjoy this new phase of your life.2. Stay active, both physically and mentally,Where To Buy UGG Boots. Do not get into the habit of sitting around the house vegetating,UGG Short Boots, get out and enjoy doing what you never used to have time to do. Play more golf, go fishing, join a walking club, all for the social interaction as much as anything. If you are in the house, play sudoku each day and do a crossword to test the grey matter!3.Travel to places you haven't been to before. With the world a much smaller place now than before, a trip to Australia or America isn't nearly as daunting, or expensive for that matter, as it was say 20 years ago. Try a 'cruise to escape the blues' of the winter cold for a few weeks.4. Make a point of meeting regularly with your peers. Perhaps each week for a cuppa or round of golf or whatever, just to keep in touch and help each other if problems arise. A lot of fulfillment will be derived from helping and supporting those in need.5. Try to have fun, have a laugh and don't take yourself too seriously. Be someone who brings a bit of happiness to others, even perhaps when you don't always feel like it.6. Try to learn at least one new thing each day,Authentic Cheap UGG Boots. Whether it be from reading a book, or the internet or wherever, keep challenging your intellect. Try to learn a new language even, or take night classes in computers or digital photography.7,UGG Boots Store. Most importantly of all, spend the time which you now have available with those who mean the most to you. Be it your spouse, your children or grandchildren, try to meet up for lunch or go out for dinner when possible,UGG Outlet Prices, throw family parties, offer to babysit the grandchildren. Quality time with loved ones is to be cherished above all else, because it really does bring pleasure money can't buy.In conclusion, retirement is a new phase of your life which you should embrace with open arms. You now have the time to enjoy all the best of what life has to offer. Keep active, stay busy, be open to new challenges and surround yourself with those whom you love.Wishing you a wonderful, fulfilling retirement! Related articles:

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