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来源:湖北中医药大学成教 发布时间:2012-12-15 查看:0次
Overcoming Christian depression is a subject that many Christians are interested in because believers suffer from depression just like everyone else. However, because Christians are supposed to have the joy of the Lord, they are often ashamed to share or admit these feelings to others.Also believers may not even be aware they are clinically depressed or if aware, do not have the courage to admit that they have such a problem or don't know where to seek help. This forces them into suffering in silence and their only ray of hope of salvation lies in praying for deliverance.Christian depression is no different from any other form of depression and refers to a state of the mind in which a person for long periods of time suffers from grief,Ugg Boots Outlet Online, sadness as well as emptiness. They will also become apathetic and will lose all interest in normal activities and may also become agitated and restless. Depression also leads to sleep disturbance and it can also disrupt a persons body weight and their appetite.Depression represents an ascendancy of tyranny of a persons emotions that will overcome their entire being. Most depression is caused by prolonged negative thinking or a crisis like divorce or illness. The Bible says that a heart that is merry will give rise to a cheerful countenance, but when the person is overcome by sorrow, their hearts and spirit will soon break. Even David suffered from sadness and grief and his heart was very desolate and his tears were falling all night long.Furthermore, women outnumber men as far as being victims of depression go. In fact,Ugg Boots Classic Cardy, women are twice or thrice as likely to become depressed as compared to men,Purple Tall Ugg Boots. Overcoming Christian depression is all about understanding and identifying the causes of the depression and then looking for and using a suitable solution.One solution in helping to overcome depression includes the use of herbs from God's own pharmacy,Womens Ugg Australia Boots. There are several such herbs that are worth checking out and include, among others, St. Johns Wort, ginkgo biloba, Omega-3 Mood, SAMe, and 5 HTP,Ugg Boots Australia Cheap. Christian meditation has also been know to help believers learn how to control or eliminate negative thinking,Women S Classic Short Ugg Boots, thus greatly reducing the feelings of depression.If herbal remedies don't help or your depression is long-lasting it is important to see a counselor or mental health professional. They may prescribe pharmaceutical medications on a temporary basis. Generally, depression is treated best with a combination of medication and cognitive therapy, helping to counteract destructive thinking. Related articles:
