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来源:湖北中医药大学成教 发布时间:2012-12-16 查看:0次
Outdoor allergens can and often do follow you indoors. While indoor allergens are chronic and literally never go away. The combination of these 2 types in your indoor air can cause constant problems for an allergy sufferer. Here are 5 airborne allergens that you should know about and tips for handling them.Pet Dander--This trigger hits us where it hurts, particularly if you are a pet lover and already share your home with a cuddly, warm-blooded love. Dander is inescapable with any warm-blooded pet whether it's a cat,NFL Patriots Jersey, dog, bird, ferret or other cutie.Most of us don't give it a second thought because of the love and affection our pets give in return. But if you are allergic, the air thickens for you.Consult your vet about bathing your pet to reduce dander,Jersey Sales NFL. Consider making your bedroom off limits to all but two-legged creatures. Be sure to replace the filters on your central air and heating systems even more frequently than is suggested. Use a portable air cleaner in your bedroom to allow your body to rest in a space that is virtually free of allergens.Pollen--Many think of pollen as only a spring time trigger. But those of you who suffer from hay fever know better. Tree (spring), grass (summer), and weed (fall) pollens are in the air for much of the year, and are nearly impossible to limit to the outdoors.By keeping windows closed at home and in the car,Toddler NFL Jerseys, choosing to be outside later in the day rather than early morning, and using HEPA filtration to remove any pollen that gets in through doors, on clothes, shoes, and pets will allow you to get through all the pollen seasons with fewer flare ups,NFL Jersey For Kids.Household Chemicals--Most household products have a scented option, and if you are at all sensitive to them, it can be bad news for your allergies. These scents are seemingly everywhere-in cosmetics, deodorants, bath gels, soaps, and shampoos, candles, household cleaning supplies, and dish washing detergent.One of the best ways to get rid of the smells is to get rid of products you currently have that are scented, and look for products with a more natural and organic base. Opt for the unscented version of products.Locate a local organic grocer and take advantage of the wide variety of non-allergenic products available. There are many products on the market that are just as effective but do not contain the chemicals. Then you can relax in your home where the only scent is fresh air.Smoke--Thank goodness many public places are now smoke free environments that make fresh air available to all. However, this is probably not such good news for those of you who are smokers having a hard time quitting,Reebok NFL Authentic Jerseys, or for those of you who live with a smoker either in your home,NFL Jersey Wholesalers, or unwillingly with someone in the apartment next to yours.The next best thing to having the smoker stop smoking is to limit smoking to outdoors, and to take away any residual smoke indoors with a high efficiency particle arresting air purifier that is designed to remove smoke.Dust Mites--These incredibly prolific little critters make their home in your bed, and are renowned as an allergy and asthma trigger. Even though you can successfully reduce the mite population, nothing will eliminate all of them. But keeping the numbers down will definitely make your home a more comfortable place to be.Wash bed linens weekly in hot water that is 140 degrees Fahrenheit or greater. Use dust mite covers on your pillows and mattresses to prevent an infestation of dust mites. Let your bed air daily, as sunlight kills them. Related articles:
