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来源:湖北中医药大学成教 发布时间:2012-12-16 查看:0次
Thousands of people all over the globe take steroids and asthma, and unfortunately the condition is becoming more common every day.People often think that steroids are necessary for treating asthma. Although the steroids are usually the first treatment doctors will try, there are alternatives.If you can begin to understand your asthma condition and which form you have,NFL 2012 Jerseys, then you will be able to treat it yourself.You will not feel like your life is over because you have asthma.While asthma is a serious condition and many people do die from it every yearly,this often results from those afflicted not fully understanding the condition they have,NFL Kid Jerseys. Asthma is an inflammation of the passageway which goes to the lungs,NFL Jersey Customized; this condition can be caused by any of several different factors.Often it is an allergic reaction to dust, animal dander, or even pollen. Finding out what is the trigger of your asthma attack is the first step to finding a real solution.During an asthma attack the passageway that you use to breathe becomes inflamed and your breathing will become restricted.This situation can make you react by going into panic mode, which will make matters worse as you begin to feel like you can't breathe.There are many different types of asthma attacks, from a very mild attack to an full blown attack requiring hospitalization.Knowing how to deal with your asthma attacks can greatly improve your life. Many people think you shouldn't exercise, yet this is not true,Youth NFL Jersey.You want to give your lungs every opportunity to be able to expand and get fresh air into them. You will know the feeling when you have pushed yourself too much, so you will need to stop and slowly breathe through the attack.Once you have established what triggers the attacks, then you can work towards a solution to the problem. It is often advised that you try to eliminate all known triggers.However, this is not always possible, and you will need to learn to cope with your environment. Doctors are always very quick to prescribe steroids and asthma drugs.While these can help you, they often can have long-term effects. Like any other type of drug,Youth MLB Baseball Jerseys, you need to use them safely and sensibly, and these types of steroid drugs can have serious side-effects.Make sure that you fully understand what your doctor is asking you to take, and if you don't then ask him or her.You can always research the drugs on the internet to understand what combination you are taking and what they can do to your body. You may experience only mild side-effects, but unfortunately many people suffer with serious ones that can sometimes even be fatal.If possible, you should consider trying alternative ways to cope with your asthma. This may involve learning some breathing exercises.These are great and can help you learn how to breathe through an attack, and also how to relax and stay calm.Although having an asthma attack can be scary, you will feel better if you can stay calm.Steroids and asthma drugs may help you in the short term,NFL Attire For Women, but you need to think of the long-term and what affect steroids might have on your body over a long period of time. Related articles:
