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来源:湖北中医药大学成教 发布时间:2012-12-12 查看:0次
A recent study was doneby a software company to see how small businesses view and manage informationtechnology, or IT,UGG Boots Factory Outlet. The study also showed how many businesses are struggling tocompete with larger businesses and how they have a harder time getting high-qualityIT that can effectively support their venture,Australian UGG Boots. Though these businesses may facevarious difficulties with IT, they also recognize the benefits that it brings. Evenwith the economy in a downturn, the study showed that small businesses havesteadily grown with the aid of IT. Hosted IT solutions serve as godsends tothis business, since IT not only offers reliable solutions and security butalso allows them to concentrate on more core business matters. Hereare some more interesting statistics, 97% of small Russian businesses are morelikely to use IT, whereas the United States has a smaller margin with 91%.Surprisingly, over 67% of small businesses in China use social networking totalk to their customers and 57% of them use social networking to promote theirbusiness. What's more surprising is that IT is used more in China than in theUK, with 26% and 24% usage in the countries, respectively. Evenif the nature of these small businesses and their needs vary, the Internet andIT serve as cure-alls for their sales, networking, and communications. Servicesfrom a Boston IT solutions company can allow business owners and employees toprocess information at amazing speeds,Womens UGG Boots. Businesses can even look up various markettrends and client demands in real time and react accordingly,UGG Outlet Usa. With IT,businesses can immediately address customer needs, providing a better customerservice experience.Withthe advent of the World Wide Web, businesses are now able to reach audiencesand target markets all over the world. BostonIT services statethat information technology allows any business to effectively sell its brand.Online ads can be found everywhere on cyberspace, and making your business'presence felt online doesn't have to be costly,UGG Slippers Outlet. For any business tothrive, it's important to nurture and maintain relationships, and businessesaddress this issue with the help of IT. A BostonIT solutions company,UGG Style Boots, however, notes that further developments are needed in therealm of security and risk management. After all is said and done, IT is a goodway for businesses to get world-class communications services without having tospend a significant portion of business capital. Related articles:
