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来源:湖北中医药大学成教 发布时间:2012-12-14 查看:0次
Personal development books are read by you daily. You listen to personal development audios in the car on your way to work, in the gym, everywhere. You pretty much call yourself a PD junkie or personal development expert. You've seen each single audio and report in personal development . You set off to a few seminars a year however still nothing. Financially you're not anywhere you would like to be. Driving the old beat up car still,Winnipeg Jets Jersey, living at home, and the bank acount is still in the negative. Mentally you think it's developed so it'll be your turn soon right. Then one day you're surfing the net and the same associates whom you helped with personal development are now where they want to be financially yet you're still having difficulties. Seem recognizable? Is that you,Canucks Hockey Jerseys? I development myself daily however my position is still the same, WHY AM I STILL IN THE SAME SITUATION, you ask yourself. Am I stuck financial? Once I started with self growth books I loved it,Penguins Jerseys, all this stuff was amazing,Womens Canucks Jersey. I was so excited because I was ultimately going to get rich in no time with all this new found knowledge that I had. Days, months, and years go but I'm still broke. In reality I was a little bit poorer because I kept buying every single book, audio or attend a live seminar. I felt good I knew where I was going however the real world would set in when I saw how much money I didn't have. As a result I was looking for an answer. Is this PD a scam and these experts are rich because of people buying. There was a live event near my area so I decided I might as well check it out because it wasn't too expensive and I said what the heck, if nothing happens with this one I'll quit this self growth stuff and save money. The event was the best I went to, I learned the greatest secret which changed my mindset and how I do business. I had ultimately learned the number one secret that all leaders have and how I can attain it as well if I just did this ONE idea. The secret was, don't always get caught up in trying to learn everything but remember to take the trash out of your head. Take out the older beliefs in your head so new sets of beliefs will start to work. These restraining beliefs are all not our fault. A few of them were set as kids by your parents. For example funds was always a topic in my home. My parents would always fight about money and they would always tell me "money is the root of all evil and can't buy you happiness". I'm sure you've heard all of these growing up as well. These limiting beliefs were dead wrong and they were subconsiously put in my head as well. Subconsciously I became like my parents,Montreal Canadiens Jersey, hence the way I behaved with money. To take out the trash, remove the limiting beliefs from your head. Take notice in your old beliefs,Vancouver Canucks Jersey. Write them down, then tell yourself these beliefs were ok in your past life but you now want a better life. Jot down the old beliefs, scratch it out then write your new ones. When you take action with the new beliefs give yourself a pat on the back. To change your lifestyle one must also change their beliefs. Related articles:
