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来源:湖北中医药大学成教 发布时间:2012-12-15 查看:0次
Sport specific strength training or game speed training are not new concepts, but often overlooked is the unique workout needs of softball position players. Fastpitch athletes perform short explosive movements with varying rest intervals. Softball pitchers and catchers operate at a different interval than either infielders or outfielders. This rest interval difference needs to be taken into consideration by their strength and conditioning program. This leads to a unique emphasis and focus during the individual development of a strength and conditioning program. Taking this into consideration, let us look at how a fitness program can be developed for three different groups.The Power Hitters:The power hitters are players whose greatest asset is their ability to generate bat speed through the strike zone. These players can be high average hitters as well as high home run hitters. Defensively, power players will typically be the catcher or corner infielder players. For this group, the strength and conditioning program emphasizes the lower body and trunk development as well as including strenuous upper body exercises. Conditioning sessions put added emphasis on incorporating medicine ball plyometrics for trunk torque and power development and improving speed-endurance to condition them for distances less than 40 yards. The Speed Players: The speed player is defined by her ability to accelerate quickly and maintain a high terminal running velocity. Offensively this group includes your slappers, single hitters and base stealers. Defensively, this group is usually your middle infielders and outfielders. Even though speed player's training emphasizes speed and agility, they can also be some of the strongest players on the team,Kids Size 5 Uggs. Speed player's typical strengthening routine involves full body exercises like lunges and squats. Agility is enhanced through cone drills, ladder drills, and short shuttles. Finally, the speed endurance targets acceleration and running distances under 40 yards through form running and resistance sprints. The Pitchers:The pitcher is the most influential player that effects the game's outcome. Not only do they need to be pitch explosively, but they also must have the endurance to pitch multiple games per week with, potentially,Uggs Kids Slippers, long innings,Navy Blue Uggs. Their lower body and core must be exceptionally strong and powerful while maintaining wide range of motion and flexibility. Like speed players, pitchers strength training focuses are full body workouts with a slightly greater emphasis on lower body strength. Additionally, pitchers need to strengthen their grip and improve their lower body mobility with hip flexors.Final Training Considerations:Off-season and in-season fitness training sessions have dramatically different emphasis. In the off-season, a strong emphasis is placed on strength development and explosive power. Conversely, in-season training is for maintenance, fine-tuning, and injury prevention. While the bulk of each groups training is essentially the same, the number of sets and repetitions differ depending of the areas of emphasis. All groups should perform full body strength training like squats, lunges, and plyometrics to develop strength and power,Uggs Blue. Injury prevention is also addressed with abdominal stability,Uggs Boot For Men, full body flexibility, low back strength development, and shoulder and rotator cuff work,Uggs Knit. All groups also have conditioning days for endurance development where they run stadium sprints or shuttle runs. Over the course of a week, the athletes cover all the strength and conditioning development areas, but just have not spent the same amount of time on each. Related articles:
