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来源:湖北中医药大学成教 发布时间:2012-12-15 查看:0次
Boston is not the only city in the United States having difficulty collecting the millions of dollars in unpaid child support due to single parents.In fact, this epidemic reaches deeper into the infrastructure of the American economy more than most people realize. The main concern is that it deeply affects our children and their future. Billions of dollars in unpaid child support are keeping children across the nation below poverty level,Canucks Jersey History.In the 1950s, the primary concern for middle class families was how to put their children through college. In the short span of a little over 50 years, the primary concern for most families became how to put food on the table. In Boston today, 40% of the households are made up of single parents. The alarming part of this number is that this is one of the highest rates in the nation, and it continues to grow.Last year alone, almost 70% of absent parents in the Boston area were in arrears on their child support payments. This is a huge problem nationwide and it not only directly affects single-parent families, but the entire economic structure of the U.S. and local communities like Boston. It's something that should concerns us all.Beyond that even, Massachusetts is one of the leading states in the country with a mountain of unpaid and un-enforced child-support orders. Literally, tens of millions of dollars in outstanding arrearages exist in Massachusetts today.For the 60% who have a regular family life, this may not seem like an issue of concern. However, when you consider that your tax dollars are being spent in a futile attempt at collection of these monies, you'll realize how it affects each you personally.There are several city, state and federal government avenues of collection and enforcement,Canucks Third Jersey. Yet the problem still continues to spiral out of control. The reasons these efforts are not working are easy to understand: Understaffing, underpaid workers and under trained personnel assigned to tackle the monumental task.For most single parents, the answer is elusive. They trudge along as best they can with whatever public assistance they can qualify for or whatever part-time job they can take in the short hours available when they are not taking care of their children. And it's tough for each and every one of them. With nowhere to turn, they simply become hopeless and, for the most part, give up on collecting what is due to their children.Nevertheless, there is hope. More and more single-parent families are being brought to a higher quality of living, thanks to new avenues of collection and child support enforcement. Admittedly, some of the collection and enforcement does come directly through government agencies. Still, the more child support owed, the likelihood of collection diminishes on a daily basis. The balance due grows to an extent that seems insurmountable to the parents who are obligated to pay. As a result, many parents give up and quit trying.Single parents who are owed child support have such a difficult time collecting that they eventually give up. This is where private firms and outside assistance have arrived to save the day by collecting regular payment on old or new unpaid child support orders. Unfortunately, the epidemic is so large that the governmental agencies simply do not have the resources, nor the personnel, necessary to seek remedy in most overdue cases. Local private investigators lead the charge in collection and enforcement of unpaid child support.We are not talking about the father or mother that is a week or two behind on their child support. We are discussing the grossly neglected orders that, in some cases, total thousands, tens of thousands and even hundreds of thousands of dollars. For these single parents, a private investigator can often locate the absent parent and assist in the recovery of monies owed. In some cases, private investigators can collect full payment due.Private investigators have access to many more resources than most governmental employees. They also have more experience in locating persons who don't particularly want to be found.The success rate for private investigation firms are outstanding. Not only do private investigators locate the missing person, we guide you the rest of the way in your effort to locate assets and enforce collection. We have the capability to establish information on hidden bank accounts,Vancouver Canucks Jerseys History, under the table job situations and examination by a court to uncover any other liquid assets a debtor may have. A little known fact is that judges have the power to order the examination of any and all assets the absent parent may possess.However, it takes the legwork and, of course, some proof for the judges to rule in your favor when it comes to asset liquidation. Once again, this is where private investigators can provide the vital link needed to complete this process. Not only are we capable of locating missing persons hidden assets and such, but we can go where the government agencies cannot. We've spent many a night in a cold dark car watching and waiting in order to locate a difficult case requiring verification of employment,Wild Wing Jersey, literally camping out in front of warehouses, office buildings and many other possible places of employment to get the job done.The bottom line is simple. This epidemic is out of control and any unpaid single parent will tell you how badly it affects their children. If you happen to be a single parent caught up in the vicious cycle of the systems vain attempts at collecting and enforcing your order, consider contacting a private firm. We can help.Our staff is highly trained in the newest and most effective methods of absent parent location and child support arrears enforcement,Womens Canucks Jersey. If the assets exist, rest assured that we will do everything within our power to find them. You're not just a number when you seek our assistance in these matters like the public agencies. Our clients are our top priority,White Jets Jersey. It doesn't take years in some cases it has only taken days and, occasionally, even just a few hours.If you're one of the unlucky parents struggling with your last ounce of energy to raise your children, the effect is enormous. Let this serve as a wake-up call. Help is available and it's just a phone call away. You'll not be asked to fill out a 6-inch stack of forms nor will you be asked to wait in the lobby for six or seven hours until someone can get around to speaking with you.You'll be treated with dignity and respect, get instant service and our very best effort at actual results in recovery of unpaid child support. Your children are our number one priority and we take every case to heart. Give us a call and see if we can help you help your children. Related articles:
