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来源:湖北中医药大学成教 发布时间:2012-12-15 查看:0次
Our physical health can effect our mental health.This was born out by a study which showed that 29 per cent of patients visiting their doctor for physical disorders had a depressive or anxiety disorder. Even without the stress of physical disorders, up to 12 per cent of men and 25 percent of women are at risk of suffering from a major depressive episode at some time during their lives.The presence of a physical disorder simply increase this risk. Many people suffering from chronic disorders had trouble with depressionAcne can come under the category of a chronic condition as many people can suffer with it for many years. Studies have also shown the more severe the acne, as in severe cystic acne, the greater the risk of depression. Negative mental effects exist even for short term disorders.It is extremely frustrating in dealing with a condition that will not respond to treatment and then, when it does, keeps recurring. Particularly, when it is something so obvious as acne - something so difficult to hide. The constant effort of dealing with acne breakouts on a daily basis can be very wearing and disheartening. The more severe the acne and the longer it exists the more it can affect a person's morale and self-esteem.These feelings could become a problem if they persist and affect the enjoyment of life.Symptoms of depressionThe main symptom of depression is a feeling of sadness that is present most days and lasts most of the day. If the person's performance at school,Discount Womens Ugg Boots, work or in relationships is impaired and the feeling lasts for more than two weeks,UGG Boots Buy, there could be a problem.Other symptoms of depression may include:1,UGG Classic Short Black Boots. Changes in appetite and weight - excessive weight loss or weight gain2. Change in sleep patterns- sleeping too little or too much3. Loss of interest in life - work,Black Tall Classic UGG Boots, hobbies, people or sex4,Black Paisley UGG Boots. Withdrawal from family and friends5. Feelings of uselessness, hopelessness, guilt, pessimism or low self-esteem6,Black Mini UGG Boots. Agitated movements or very slow movements7. Fatigue8. Trouble concentrating and making decisions, trouble remembering9. Crying easily, or feeling like crying but being not able to10. Thoughts of death or suicide.Whilst we should not try to self diagnose something as serious as depression we should at least know what to look for in those close to us, particularly if they are dealing with a physical disorder such as acne. Their mental and physical well being may depend on our awareness and timely influence to get them to seek medical help Related articles:
