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来源:湖北中医药大学成教 发布时间:2012-12-15 查看:0次
Flaxseed, called linseed in some countries, is a good source of dietary fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and lignans. Flax Seed Oil contains omega-6 and omega-9 essential fatty acids, B vitamins,Ugg & Jimmy Choo, potassium, lecithin, magnesium, fiber, protein, and zinc. You can either buy the seeds just like that, or you can buy the flax supplements in pill form. Whatever you fell more comfortable with. Another study has found that omega-3 fatty acids, and by extension, flaxseed, can reduce the risk of macular degeneration, which is an eye disease that destroys vision by damaging nerve cells in the eye. Studies of animals, too, suggest some anti-cancer benefit from flaxseed. Addressing The Cause And Finding A Cure: Why Cause is Everything When It Comes To Low Back Pain There is an epidemic, at least in the States when it comes to treating back pain. Most doctors do just that... treat back pain rather than finding and eliminating the cause. You can treat your symptoms for an eternity, and you may feel better for a short period of time. To truly get at the heart of the matter though, you have to find and eliminate the cause of low back pain. I*ll let you in on a little secret. Most chronic low back pain can be resolved in six weeks or less. It*s true! A majority of chronic low back pain is caused by simple factors including: * Poor Posture * Injury * Muscle Imbalances * Improper Lifting * Extra Weight Let*s take a look at each of these more closely. Poor Posture Posture is everything when it comes to back pain. Good posture results in stability and strength. Bad posture results in back pain. Many people can alleviate chronic back pain simply by taking the time to improve their posture. You probably can too,Ugg Sunburst Boots! Injury We are all subject to injury at one time or another. You can work toward preventing injury in certain circumstances however. A lot of the injuries that result in low back pain are caused by improper lifting techniques. You may be lifting a heavy box, or you may be lifting a heavy weight without warming up adequately. Either way, if you injure yourself you are subject to back pain. What can you do to improve your chances for recovery? One of the best things you can do is exercise. You should incorporate stretching activities into your daily regimen. By doing so you will condition your back and are les likely to get injured, and more likely to recover faster when you do get injured. There are many benefits to adding flax seeds to your diet. Well for instance they can get rid of your constipation problem. In large doses, or when taken with inadequate water, flaxseed may precipitate bowel obstruction via a mass effect. The effects of flaxseed on blood glucose levels are not clear, although hyperglycemic effects have been reported in one case series. Studies show that Omega-3 fatty acids help lower cholesterol and blood triglycerides, and prevent clots in arteries, which may result in strokes, heart attacks and thromboses. The primary sources of omega-6 are corn,Discount Ugg Boot, soy, canola,Ugg On Ebay, safflower and sunflower oil; these oils are overabundant in the typical diet, which explains our excess omega-6 levels. Like the omega-3s found in fish, it appears to reduce the risk of heart disease and numerous other ailments. Muscle Imbalances Muscle Imbalances occur when two muscles that oppose each other are unequally matched. If you exercise your back regularly for example, but never exercise your stomach, you body will be in a state of imbalance. No matter how strong your back is in this situation, you are going to be subject to back pain. Eliminate the muscle imbalances through rehabilitation and proper exercise and you stand a good chance of eliminating back pain. Improper Lifting OK, go back and re-read the section on injury. You need to lift correctly in order to avoid injury. NEVER bend from the waist when picking something up off of the floor, even if it is a feather. Always bend from the knees, and use your leg and abdominal muscles to support you when lifting an object. Many improper lifting injuries actually occur in the gym. This happens when a person attempts to lift a weight that is too heavy or fails to warm up properly. You can avoid these injuries by paying close attention to technique at all times. Extra Weight Carrying around a few extra pounds may not seem like a big deal,Ugg Classic Tall Pink, but when it comes to back pain it could mean the difference between no back pain and chronic back pain,Brooks Ugg. Even if you are carrying around just ten extra pounds, your body will have to shift and redistribute itself to accommodate the extra weight. Consider losing the extra weight, and you may realize your back pain soon follows. Cardiovascular disease kills more Americans than the next 7 causes of death combined - including cancer - the AHA report states. Cancer is less common in communities that eat large amounts of fish, and the reason is thought to be the presence in fish of the long chain omega-3 polyunsaturates. These beneficial fats play important roles in brain, nerve, glandular, and eye functions. In addition, they are involved in the transport and metabolism of cholesterol and triglycerides. Does Omega 3 Lowers Cholesterol? Does Flaxseed Oil Prevent Cancer too? Where to Get Omeaga 3 and Omega 6 Oil? Whereas plant foods and vegetable oils lack EPA and DHA, some do contain varying amounts of the n-3 PUFA alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which has 18 carbon atoms and 3 double bonds. I dont recommend you buy ground up flax seeds as found on websites or in health food stores. Once you grind your flax seeds, you need to use them in your drinks or food soon after grinding so they dont lose their nutritive value. 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