
Junior UGG Boots 41007
来源:湖北中医药大学成教 发布时间:2012-12-08 查看:0次
Excel SalesForecasting for Dummies by Conrad Carlberg is one of the most interesting and comprehensivebooks on sales. The author of the book has integrated a diverse range ofknowledge on sales, thus being able to profoundly address the topic. Theauthor, Conrad Carlberg is an experienced and nationally recognized expert onexcel. Conrad's experience and professionalism in sales and marketing isexplicitly demonstrated through the book. The style and structure of the bookis admirable in that it is explicitly written that able to easily and quicklyguide the readers. The knowledge and information provided by the book is reallyworthwhile in addressing the topic on sales and marketing. This is specifically crucial in the AlleghanyCorp,UGG Boots Sale Uk Genuine, whereby it will help in addressing sales and marketing challenges. Inthis regard, the book does not only explain how to forecast but also theadvantages and disadvantages of the various methods. The author has beenexcellent in explaining the criteria of minimizing the forecasting error, thusproviding solutions to long experienced problems. In addition, the book hasalso been efficient in providing insight into regression among other statisticsin calculating sales forecast. Based on these insights, the book has been in aposition to provide efficient solutions to challenges faced in the marketing departmentin the Alleghany Corp. This paper will provide an explicit and in-depthcritique on the book ?Excel Sales Forecasting for Dummies' as well as adiscussion on the applicability of the ideas in the Alleghany Corp. Asindicated by Carberg (2005), Carberg has been able to provide a masterlyintegration between theory and practice. This has enabled in explicitlyexplaining the nature of utilizing excel for sales forecasting. The author'ssophisticated and expertise understanding on excel has been of great importancein providing a clear explanation on the nature of forecasting. This phenomenonhas credited and positioned the book in addressing the issues involved in salesand marketing. It is worth noting that the book has been able to bridge the gapin knowledge concerning the various methods of forecasting. This has beenachieved through the provision of an explicit overview of the pros and cons ofthe different methods. For instance, the book has provided a clear distinctionbetween spreadsheet modeling and analysis Toolpak as well as comparison betweenvalue axis and category axis in an excel chart. Based on this information,UGG Boots Size 4, thebook is able to provide credible information to users thus being in a positionto bridge the gap in knowledge (Carberg, 2005). Theability of the book to provide an insightful introduction, credits it inrelation to other materials on the topic. This is so because it is able tosmoothly introduce and impact knowledge on fresh individuals in the topic onforecasting. As noted by Barnes&Noblebn.com (2010), the books ability toestablish understanding among readers is outstanding, where in this case itcredits the author for providing a valuable and unique book in the topic. Apoint worth of consideration is that the book is very reader-friendly based onits simple structure and language. The elaboration and explanation ofintimidating concepts like multiple regression and exponential smoothing hasbeen wonderful,Junior UGG Boots. The information in the book is provided in a clear andunderstandable manner thus making it useful to users. It is also important tonote that the book has been able to cover both basic and advanced topics onforecasting thus making it a complete resource for addressing the topic. Apoint worth of consideration is that the book is fun reading,Decker UGG Boots, whereby it isable to capture the attention of readers (Barnes&Noblebn.com, 2010). Asindicated by Carberg (2005), the book is highly acknowledged for getting newreaders started in the right way. For instance, the three major conceptsaddressed by the book are cleared discussed and explained to users. These majorconcepts are exponential smoothing, moving average and regression forecasts. Inthis case, the book has been able to explain the use of excel functions, thusbridging the gap of knowledge in the topic. In the case of the Alleghany Corp,the concepts of exponential smoothing, regression forecasts, and moving averagewill be very useful in the sales and marketing department. As a result, theissue of planning on the issues of sales and marketing will also be facilitatedby these concepts. Nevertheless,the book can also been criticized for a number of weaknesses that makes itineffective to users. To begin with, the book is poorly organized, whereby themain topics have been broken into too many pieces thus making it confusing.This phenomenon makes the subtopics to be covered in many times thus leading tounnecessary repetition. This phenomenon is tiresome and boring to users of thebook they are required re-read the material unnecessarily. This leads to confusionand time wastage, as a reader is not able to ensure smooth conceptualization ofthe main concepts. Based on this case, the book is not to date and requiredserious alteration to bring it to an appealing state (Carberg, 2005). Theideas and knowledge received from the book are very useful in Alleghany Corp.since this is a multinational insurance company with a global recognition; the cashflows are at a high level. The concepts of moving averages, regressionforecasts as well as exponential smoothing are very useful in the company.Since the books has clearly expounded on this concepts, the sales and marketingdepartment in the Alleghany Corp,Classic Tall Chestnut UGG Boots. will utilize it to analyze and forecast onsales. These are very vital concepts since they will help the sales andmarketing department to come up with accurate statistics. As a result, theconcept of planning and strategic policy making in the organization will beenhanced. By so doing, the company will benefit from increased efficiency thusleading to higher productivity and profitability (Barnes&,UGG Boots With Zipper;Noblebn.com,2010). Onthe other hand, the concepts of Value Axis and Category Axis are of little helpto the organization. Despite that they are vital concepts in the topic on saleforecasting, they stand to provide negligible help to the organization. Thebreakdown of the major topics into insensible parts also makes the ideas un-applicablein the Alleghany Corp. this is with respect to the fact that they will lead toconfusion in the understanding of the concepts. With this in mind, the ideasmay be misleading thus leading to creation of new problems in the organization.In conclusion, it is worth noting that the strengths of the book outweigh theweaknesses thus making it very useful in addressing the sales and marketingchallenges in Alleghany Corp.Custom essayswritten by expert researchers Related articles:
