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来源:湖北中医药大学成教 发布时间:2012-12-11 查看:0次
It was aninteresting conversation between a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) businessdevelopment person and a prospective customer,Ugg Emu Boots. The prospective customer hadscoffed at the SEO person's sales pitch about them offering "Performance BasedSEO Services", saying Performance Based Services of any kind in life is not aluxury but a fundamental requirement,Baby Ugg S. When a courier company takes in a parcel,they are expected to perform, not take a chance with the delivery of the parceland say, "you pay only if we manage to deliver this parcel!The businessdevelopment person, for a moment taken aback, stood firm his ground. He askedthe prospect, "Can you find a tutor to your daughter who will take his or herfees only if your daughter stands first in class exams,Official UGG Boots?, Can you find afootball coach for your son's university team, who is ready to be compensatedonly if the team becomes the champions in the regional tournament?" It was agood counter attack by the SEO person, for the prospect started seeing merit inhis argument.Broadly,Childrens UGG Boots, youcan classify most of the functions into two classes ? 1. Functions, whose result is not given tochance and can be predicted and 2. Functions, whose results are given to chanceand can't be predicted with certainty. If delivering a courier comes in thefirst class of functions, coaching a football comes in the second class. One ofthe common factors among the second class of functions is that there iscompetition, leading to uncertainty. Your courier is not subjected tocompetition with other parcels, thus you can control the end result, whereasthe football team has to compete with other teams and its own performancedepends on other teams', on which you have no control.The role ofa search engine optimizer's is also more or less similar to that of a tutor's.The website (football team) has to perform in a search engine (the tournament).The standing of the website in a search engine is not a function of its ownperformance, but is in relation with other websites' performance. Given theseuncertainties, the SEO (Coach), cannot depend on an uncertain result to meettheir certain day-to-day expenses, but charge a retainer fee,What Size Ugg Boots Should I Buy. Better thereputation of a Coach based on past performance, the higher his fees.Is Performance Based SEO possible then? Yes,possible. Lets imagine a football coach. He offers to take up a result-basedcompensation. But before doing so, he wants to assess the team he is going tocoach, know about their opponents and the resources available to coach theteam. If he can convince himself that he can coach the team he is given usingthe resources available to be good enough to beat the teams they are upagainst, he will take up the job. If the opponents are too strong, and/or giventeam is too weak, he will decline the job,The Ugg Store New York. Similarly, if an SEO company canconvince themselves as they can get a website to rank for a given set ofkeywords (objective), using given resources, they may offer a performance basedSEO. Related articles:
