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来源:湖北中医药大学成教 发布时间:2012-12-13 查看:0次
There are millions of dollars available to the public through government grants. The United States government makes money available to you in order to stimulate benefits for the public. If you have a project idea that, if funded properly would provide a solution to a public problem, you'll want to apply for a grant.There are twenty one different categories that government grants fall into. There are environmental grants, educational grants, energy grants and many others.Grants are available to companies or organizations and to individuals. There are more grants available to organizations than there are to individuals. The government website lists 27 grants for individuals and hundreds of grants available for organizations.One example of a grant for individuals is offered by the United States National Fish and Wildlife Service. They want to promote interest in conservation, and ecology,Buy Supra Footwear Online. There is $5,000,000 available to be awarded for this project and they will give 40 awards out. The highest amount awarded can be up to $500,000 and the lowest amount awarded will be $1,Supra Sneakers Red,000. What are you required to do if you receive the grant,Supra Skytop 2 Navy Gold?They are looking for people interested in natural resource careers and would like to provide individuals with guidance and training by professionals. People awarded the grants will be working as an intern in the wildlife refuge system and taught by professionals in the field. You will be assigned seasonal work sometime between June 1 and Sept. 30. Award recipients need to be willing to administer a program for identifying and recruiting people for assignments at various stations in the United States.After you have searched for a grant that fits your expertise and interest,Supra Vaider Red Carpet, you will need to go through an online application procedure at the government grant website. There are multiple steps involved in applying. You will find animated videos that are easy to understand.Registration with the grant office is required before you apply for the specific grant you have chosen,Green Supra Vaider. This procedure can take time to do, so plan on several weeks for this process.Writing a successful grant proposal can be very challenging and competitive. You have several options. You can either hire someone to write the proposal for you or you can find classes to take that will help you learn to write a good proposal. There are classes you can take that can prepare you for this. Foundation dot org offers a five day class that will cost you $785.If you are going to write the grant yourself, you will need to summarize your project in two or three paragraphs. You will need to communicate important information about your organization that shows that you can be trusted to use their funds wisely. You'll need to state what your organization's track record is with similar achievements. One thing to remember when writing your proposal is to describe the problem you are attempting to solve with the same magnitude as the solution you provide.Although the procedure for applying is lengthy and requires you to write a very good proposal,Supra 2011 Shoes, you should try your best and see if you qualify. A federal grant could be just what you need. Related articles:
