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Uggs Cardy 50122

来自:湖北中医药大学成教网   2012-12-13    浏览0次

In this article you will learn how to repair your wireless network adapter connected to a wireless network of a wireless router such as Linksys router WRT54G in order to access the Internet. From time to time, you might face a circumstance where your Windows wireless icon says that you are connected to your home wireless network but you just can't send any emails or visit any web sites. The following procedure will teach you how to repair your wireless network adapter in order fix your Internet connection when wireless icon says that you are connected to the Internet, but you cannot go online,Man Uggs.Step 1: Right-click on the Windows Wireless Icon on the bottom right of your Windows desktop,Uggs Women.Step 2: Once you right-click the Windows wireless icon,Retro Cargo Uggs, click on Repair,Used Uggs. Step 3: Try to wait a few moments while Windows is disabling your wireless network adapter.Step 4: Windows will automatically try to reconnect your computer to your existing wireless network.Step 5: Now the connection has been repaired successfully,Raspberry Uggs. Click on Close to finish.Step 6: You have to be able to connect to the Internet now,Baby Boy Uggs. To verify your computer's Internet connection, you may try to open a browser and go to visit many different web sites or do a random search on Google. Therefore, if you can successfully visit most of the web sites, then this means that your computer's Internet connection is fine.Keep in mind that if repairing your wireless network connection did not help you fix the issue then you may need to release and renew your IP address assigned to your wireless network adapter by your Linksys router. In addition, you may need to consider using a static IP address for your wireless network adapter if you are not already doing so and you still not have access to the Internet. Finally, you may need to read more on how to setup and verify that your wireless settings are correct, if the procedure listed above did not help your fix the issue. Related articles:

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