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来源:湖北中医药大学成教 发布时间:2012-12-14 查看:0次
To be in par with international trademark law, the Indiantrademark law has been codified and is about to undergo an amendment. Recently India signed the Madrid Protocol allowingforeign applicants to file international application designating India like mostof the other countries in the world. Trademark registration India makes itmandatory to fulfill certain requirements. These requirements specify that thetrademark to be registered should be distinctive and not deceptive. This meansthat words describing the product, geographical names and common surnamesshould always be avoided,Ugg Bomber Jacket Chestnut. The concept of ?well known mark' was also introducedafter the last amendment. Priority: It is important to file a correspondingapplication in Indiafor claiming a priority from an application made in US. India trademarks states thatthe process should be completed within six months from the date of filing theoriginal application. Grounds of refusal: A trademark application can be rejectedon following grounds. Absolute ground: Section 9 states the various absolute groundsunder which the applications can be rejected,Ugg By Jimmy Choo. This includes points such astrademark devoid of distinctive character, descriptive trademark, trademarklikely to cause confusion and trademarks prohibited under the Emblems and NamesAct, 1950,Ugg For Jimmy Choo. Prohibition: Section 13 of the act prohibits the registration ofeach such trademark which is a commonly used and universally accepted name of achemical element,Ugg Boots Gray. OR has been declared by the WHO and been notified by theregistrar as international non proprietary name,Ugg Knightsbridge Boot. Statutory defense: Trademark office India statesdown various statutory defense available to the applicants,Cardy Ugg Boot. This mainlyincludes honest concurrent usage, prior user and acquiescence for registration,parallel imports, generic ness and fair use while describing the products forcriminal matters. License/Assignment: Under the trademark registration law Indiatrademarks are recognized as movable property thus, can be easilylicensed/assigned. Thus, a trademark can be easily assigned irrespective of thegoodwill attached to it. Related articles:
