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来源:湖北中医药大学成教 发布时间:2012-12-15 查看:0次
Schizophrenia is a chronic, severe, and disabling brain disease. Approximately one percent of the population develops schizophrenia during their lifetime - more than two million Americans suffer from the illness in any given year. Although schizophrenia affects men and women with equal frequency, the disorder often appears earlier in men, usually in the late teens or early twenties; women are generally affected in the twenties to early thirties.Treatment of Schizophrenia:1- Medication2-Inpatient treatment3-Education (for the individual and his or her family, significant other, or support system)4-Therapy (including individual, family,Pink UGG Boots Kids, and/or group therapy)5-Residential or day treatment programsSymptoms of Schizophrenia:1-Loss of appetite.2-The sense of being controlled by outside forces,Man UGG Slippers.3-Delusions.4-Incoherence (not understandable)5-Regressive behavior,UGG Cozy Slippers.6-Diminishment of the self.The contributing factors associated with the development of these brain-pathway problems are controversial and are being carefully investigated. Some of the areas of current research include risk-associated genes, exposure to certain viruses or malnutrition in the womb, and stressful childhood environments in genetically susceptible children. Schizophrenia is usually diagnosed in people aged 17-35 years. The illness appears earlier in men (in the late teens or early twenties) than in women (who are affected in the twenties to early thirties). Many of them are disabled. They may not be able to hold down jobs or even perform tasks as simple as conversations.Once the symptoms begin to diminish, a person can be classed as having residual schizophrenia. This doesn't mean the symptoms are gone, just reduced when compared to the more acute stage of the disease. People may be able to maintain a functioning lifestyle but may also still require occasional hospitalization and treatment.Paranoid schizophrenia symptoms are common in schizophrenia patients, as well as hallucinations, delusions and disordered thinking. It can also manifest itself with social withdrawal, which is one of the most important schizophrenia symptoms in children.Others believe that the cause for schizophrenia is drugs. The drug abuse only gives worse symptoms of schizophrenia or triggers schizophrenia to manifest, but this means that the disease already existed before drugs were taken. In healthy persons drugs only give symptoms like those in schizophrenia but do not create the disease.Researchers have concluded that use is casually linked to the development of schizophrenia, but is not a sole cause, and exists as a component cause amongst many different other factors,UGG Slippers For Men Sale. Still, after methodologies which examining the data on marijuana use and schizophrenia, they have determined that if use could be eliminated, there would be an 8% reduction in the cases of later in life schizophrenia, which would be a very significant public health victory.These types of delusions are reinforced by delusions and hallucinations, including the hearing of voices. The voices are a very common symptom of schizophrenia. The voices can be absolutely real to them, and any disbelief by others invites the patient's wrath.Schizophrenia can be difficult to deal with, not only to the person with the disorder, but also to his families and friends. Often families of the patient find themselves struggling with frustration, guilt, anger, and helplessness. Moreover, they are usually worried about the embarrassment that having people who suffer from schizophrenia family member will cause them.Catatonic Type is a type of Schizophrenia is characterized by psychomotor motor disturbance,UGG Slippers Sale, including posturing, mutism, rigidity, motoric immobility, extreme negativism, and/or extreme excitement,UGG Boots Hot Pink. A client, who speaks candidly and lucidly about a nonexistent world, is preoccupied with voices telling her "the world is ending," and whose speech, overt behavior, and affect are largely appropriate best fits the Paranoid type of Schizophrenia. Related articles:
