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来源:湖北中医药大学成教 发布时间:2012-12-16 查看:0次
If you are a parent who is planning to homeschool their children, you need not just helpful information, but information that works,Metallic Uggs Boots. The following homeschooling tips have been compiled from the experiences of a number of successful homeschooling parents.1. Many states and cities have laws and regulations regarding homeschools. Before you start with your school, it's a good idea to check these laws and comply with them, if there are any.2. As a parent and a teacher supervising your child you will need to be good with basic educational skills so that you can guide your child. Knowledge of reasonably good reading, writing and mathematics are essential for you if your child is to successfully learn these skills from you,Oatmeal Cardy Uggs. If you are lacking in these, you should join an adult class at off hours to catch up with these skills,Cheapest Uggs Online.3. Having a good working relationship will help both of you to successfully pursue the educational goals that are set for your child,Classic Argyle Knit Uggs. Poor communication skill, or a poor relationship with your child, apart from being unhealthy in itself, will also make the class environment difficult for both you and your child.4. This tip is not as much a how to about homeschooling but more about how to cope with the criticism that may come your way from colleagues and others who do not know better about homeschooling,Little Kids Uggs. Be prepared for such criticism, which is usually borne out of ignorance about the results of homeschooling. Also do not expect to completely convince the others about the advantages of homeschooling.5. As the only constant supervisor of your child's education and growth, you need to be sensitive to your child's needs and feelings. This will help you detect if they are on the right track, not just educationally but also towards becoming an emotionally mature individual.6. A good sense of humor will help you keep your classroom environment relaxed and stress-free. Being flexible will help you cope with problems that may crop up in a class setting. These skills will make the classroom a all the more pleasant place to be,Mens Uggs Slippers.7. Ability to organize and time management are two of the skills that will help you the most in making homeschooling a success for you and your child. With all the responsibilities as a teacher to your kids being added to your responsibilities as a parent, you will need them.Follow these homeschooling tips and I am sure that you will find your home school experience a lot easier to handle. Related articles:
