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来源:湖北中医药大学成教 发布时间:2012-12-16 查看:0次
Having kids move out of the house and go off to college is simultaneously exciting and heartbreaking for most parents,Uggs Classic Tall Chestnut. It's a time of huge change, and can leave parents with what experts call Empty Nest syndrome. If you have found yourself feeling a bit down since your children have gone off to college, there's no better way to fight those feelings than to keep yourself active and engaged in constructive activities. Think about the positive! You did so well raising your child that they are now pursuing higher education. Plus, you now have a lot more room around the house, which means more space to turn your home into your own personal, kid-free sanctuary. From redecorating to using self storage, here are a few tips:-Like many families, your house is filled with your children's belongings. You don't want to totally rid your house of your kid's things, but you should move them all into one dedicated area. Their bedroom should house all of their familiar things,Cheapest Uggs Boots, so when they come home to visit, they don't feel like you totally wiped them from your life. If you do need the space or want to use the room for something else, like an office or guest bedroom, you should talk to your child first about redecorating their room. That way it's not a total and complete surprise.-If there is anything extra that isn't in use, and won't be but you can't get rid of it for sentimental reasons, you should look into putting it into self storage. Sure, your son's drum kit that he hasn't played since he was 10 is nice to look at because it reminds you of the good old days, but think of how much space you could have if you just got rid of it,Uggs Boots For Babies. The same goes for baby clothes and baby toys. If your daughters stuffed animal collection is dominating her bedroom, have them sent to a climate controlled storage unit,Uggs Slippers Men. Climate controlled storage is ideal for items that need to be preserved and cared for,Uggs Rylan Slippers.-Once you have cleared out the unnecessary items, you should look into redecorating. New paint or new wallpaper can do wonders for a home. If you've been meaning to get new kitchen cabinets in, now is the time to do it. If you don't want to do anything with the main living area, why not focus on your bedroom,Uggs Slippers Sale? After all, since the kids are gone, it technically is all about you.-Climate controlled storage is also great for storing winter clothes, and item like skis, sleds, and other miscellaneous things that may not be used all of the time. Again, you don't want to get rid of them, but they can really free up a lot of space around the house. It can also be very helpful for you in combating your empty nest feelings because you don't have so much of your children's things to look at and make you sad.-Something a lot of parents like to do is entertain more when their kids are away at school. If you don't have the right stuff to entertain, get some barware or a grill.Best of luck in this new chapter in your life. Remember that with the help of climate controlled storage or any self storage units, and a positive outlook, you can turn your empty nest into an adult sanctuary. Related articles:
