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来源:湖北中医药大学成教 发布时间:2012-12-16 查看:0次
In consistence with law enforcement facts, one of the most effective ways to keep intruders from breaking into your residence is by the presence of a barking dog. I like to believe my dog saved my life a long time ago when a violent man tried to invade my privacy in the early morning hours.Everyone's heard the phrase that a dog's bark is worse than its bite. In most cases that bark is all it takes to keep someone from illegally entering your safe haven. It doesn't matter what kind of bark it is, either. An uninvited trespasser will be deterred by any barking dog, big or little.Trespassers don't want to draw attention to themselves. A barking dog will attract too much attention to them when they are trying to get into a house without being noticed.I believe God sent me a German Shepherd named Venus several years ago when I lived alone. She became my guardian and may have saved my life when she ran off a potential assailant with her bark at 3:00 one morning when he was trying to break through my door. God gifted us with dogs to remind us of how much He loves and cares about us. He offered them to us full of love, comfort, guidance, and especially protection,Supra Grey Patent. Dogs are the most consistently loyal,Yellow Supra Shoes, forgiving,Blue Supra Vaiders, loving creatures on earth.But not everyone wants to own a dog. Maybe your lifestyle just can't support the needs of a dog, but you would like unwanted visitors to think you have a dog in the house. There really are products out there that will accomplish this.One such product is called a Barking Dog Alarm System,Supra Muska Skytop White. It uses a built in sensor, which lets it detect movement through wood, brick, glass, even cement. When it catches an intruder within its range of 10 to 20 feet, it announces the arrival with an unfriendly bark, and the nearer the person gets, the more vicious the bark gets. No intruder is going to stick around to see if the barking is coming from a real dog or not.Of course the advantage of having a barking dog alarm rather than a live barking dog is in the long term cost,Supra Grey Suede. You only pay one time for the barking dog alarm, plus back-up batteries in case you lose electricity for any reason. Compare that cost to a real live dog. You don't have to buy food, pay for vet bills, have it groomed or board it when you're out of town. The benefit is that you can go on vacation with the assurance that your barking dog alarm will be guarding your home until you return - the 24 hour watchdog that never leaves his post. Even more reasons to choose this "dog" over a real one if you are so inclined are that you don't have to walk it on rainy days, or worry about stepping in poop in the back yard or replace plants that have been dug up.So what it comes down to is, if you are not a dog lover or just don't have the time for one right now, this electronic barking dog may be the way to go. In these stressful times when desperate people are looking for easy ways to access money, it is important to obtain whatever means are available to protect your home, your loved ones and yourself.And if you don't want the bark, there is an alarm or chime setting.However, in spite of the cost and sometimes inconvenience of owning a dog, I would never be without one,Supra Footwear Price. I'd like to believe I'm alive today because of a dog by the name of Venus. Related articles:
