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来源:湖北中医药大学成教 发布时间:2012-12-16 查看:0次
For many years, there were individuals who wore contact lenses to correct one vision problem or another,Cheap NFL Jerseys Free Shipping. While their primary problem was resolved, many of these people still found it difficult to read or perform close-up tasks without eye strain. So here you have contact wearers still carrying around their reading glasses! The alternative for some was to simply continue wearing glasses, since contact lenses solved only a portion of their vision problems.Today,Cheap Youth NFL Football Jerseys, this is no longer a common practice thanks to the invention of multifocal contact lenses. Put in the simplest terms,Cheap Replica NFL Jerseys, multifocal contact lenses are basically any contact lenses that contain more than one power. This could be bifocal, trifocal, etc. There are two distinct ways in which multifocal lenses work though.Alternating vision lenses are one type of multifocal. These lenses work in similar fashion to the bifocal glasses you are used to seeing. They contain a visible line between the top and bottom portions of the lens, which each contain a different power. As you shift your pupil, your brain will determine which part of the lens to look through in order to gain the best focus for the task at hand.Because of the custom nature of these lenses, there is a specific way they need to be worn; with a clear "up" and "down". They will likely be weighted on one side to facilitate proper orientation on the eye. They are also made to be gas permeable, which gives the lens greater stability on the eye. Whether you are looking up or down, the lens will not move; allowing your eye to view things through the most appropriate part of the lens.Another type of contact lenses in the multifocal category are simultaneous vision lenses,Kid NFL Jerseys. These come in two versions. One type is concentric ring bifocal contact lenses. In this type, there are multiple rings centered around the pupil of the eye. One ring works with close-up vision and the other works with distant vision. Sometimes, more than two rings are necessary to correct vision effectively. In such instances, rings will alternate between close and distant vision.The other version of simultaneous vision lenses are Aspheric lenses. These are also known as progressive contact lenses; and are the most popular type of multifocal contact lenses worn today. In this type of contact lens, the eyes work together to look through combined powers in the lens,Wholesale NFL Jerseys. The eye adjusts to the system quite well.Choosing which type of multifocal contact lenses are a match for your vision correction is easy with the help of your eye doctor. With a thorough examination, your current vision needs can be assessed and a prescription can be made for the right contact lenses. Wearing multifocal contact lenses can take a little getting used to; as is the case with anything new,Cheap Jerseys NFL; but most people do prefer ditching the glasses for something that doesn't require quite as much care and offers far more convenience. Just about anyone who wears glasses can be fit with the perfect set of contacts to suit their vision needs. Related articles:
